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Neck Pain

Neck injuries can include pain and stiffness, which must be evaluated as soon as possible to create successful treatment plans.

Personal Injury

Our chiropractors provide assistance in joint adjustment and pain relief to ensure your body is able to heal the natural way.

Back Pain

Back pain is the result of isolated incidents that leave a years of pain and discomfort on your body.

Shoulder Pain

Your shoulder is susceptible to injury during a car accident. If you experience pain or discomfort, we can provide solutions to help you find relief.

Auto Accident

Car accident injury symptoms can be diverse and numerous, raning from back pain to stiff neck and migraines.


We evaluate symptoms and warning signs of headaches to ensure your body is not dealing with a more serious and complex issue.


Whiplash Phoenix

We help all patients in Phoenix affected by car accidents or personal injury. Our chiropractors provide certified services and solutions to help patients find relief from their ailments. The no-obligation consultation we offer is available for all patients. Even if you have specific questions that need to be answered, we are more than happy to help you. Call our office today to discuss your treatment plan.